Friday 8 January 2010

Year so far...

Okokok. I actually planned on writing a daily blog in 2010, but to put it bluntly: I forgot. So I'm going to start today on the 8th January and just give a little recap of the year so far (I promise it will be in more detail from now on):-

Fri 1st January:- Well the New Year started with a bang after a full blown argument at the party I was at. And it was actually unbelievable how bad i felt this morning, I didn't even drink that much. Went out for tea with my Nannan today and then went to Hannah's with Dani, Molly, Stiffler and Billy and watched Skins Series 1.

Sat 2nd January:- Ok, I'm sure I wasn't the only guy who thought Nine looked good. Or maybe I was. But anyway I went to see that today, with Kitty, Ellie and Mikey. It was a load of shit to be honest - but it had Judi Dench. Oh and I also had to pay full fare on the bus because I don't have a bus pass. Never stopped me before... lousy bus driver.

Sun 3rd January:- Last day of the Christmas holidays consisted of homework. Well actually, it was supposed to. But I slept instead for like the entire day, then fitted in a little homework after.

Mon 4th January:- First day back at school was O.K. I suppose, double History is my favourite! R.E. and P.E. Theory are quite literally loathesome though. My Theory teacher expected homework to be e-mailed in to him during the holidays - ridiculous.

Tue 5th January:- Mannnn! SNOW DAY! Was pretty pissed off they didn't bother warning us until half way up to school though - two early mornings and I was already sleep deprived. Could've done with an extra few hours in bed. Met everyone at Sycamore (that's a road where I live, we use the bus stop as our meeting point) and then went down to Hannah's for a while. Can't believe that girl hates Trivial Pursuit mannn! Then we went up to Molly's and played in the snow on a field near her house. Turns out a body board won't work as a substitute sledge and trying to pull the string will just break it. Go figure. Then went down to the Co-Op later that night - not been down there since October-ish! Was nice to be back.

Wed 6th January:- Once again school was closed, and once again they didn't bother telling us until we were all ready to go and be educated. Despite being off school, we insisted on going up there anyway to meet Oskar + Luke (who never showed up). We must have sat for two hours in the library waiting, although I amused myself with Su's phone. Turns out putting it down your trousers and sending it messages does feel rather nice... Then everyone came back to mine for the perfect snow-day entertainment... BOARD GAMES! Ok, so I'm sad. But Scene-It and Monopoly make me amazingly competitive. Oh and my Mum made us all soup to warm us up, so that was nice of her.

Thu 7th January:- Back to school. Lucky, lucky us, especially considering our heating is malfunctioning. I heard some dinner ladies talking about school closure - apparently we were the only school in the area open. Well, got our English Media coursework and Speaking + Listening marks back - full marks in both. Also came top in the year in my Science mock and got an A in Spanish A Level reading so I was rather pleased - my new French teacher who is also my Spanish teacher (yes I took both languages, French at GCSE and Spanish at A Level) told me my mark.

Right now I'm up to date with this year, though I plan on discussing every other day in more detail. I still have today to write so I'll get onto that now.

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