Tuesday 12 January 2010

Tue 12th January

I find dreams strange. What causes us to dream? Why do we see what we see? It's very confusing... I'll look into it.

I started my Tuesday by waking up over a dream which I can't entirely remember, though I know it had me very upset. I have a good idea who it was about though - so thanks, subconscious brain, for opening up a wound I was pretty sure had healed.

I don't like form period. My form tutor isn't the best to be honest, I much prefered last years tutor. Anyway, she decided that she would call us back at dinner time because the whole form were being noisy, but as me and my friends in my form don't go to the form room at dinner we kind of forgot... Oh dear.

English brought up a shocking revelation - ladies and gentlemen, am I the only one who did not know that technically Romeo was a paedophile? He was thirty years old at the time of falling in love with a thirteen year old Juliet. I guarantee the second our teacher told me that you could have fit a freight train in my mouth.

I, being the nerd that I am, also did a bit of research when I got home. I was very interested about the Divine Proportion/the Golden Ratio/Phi and the Fibonacci sequence. Turns out that the Golden Ratio (1 + root5/2 (in decimal terms it is 1.61803...)) is just about everywhere. I was rather impressed at how clever it is, and how clever Fibonacci was when he discovered it. The Fibonacci sequence follows the rule that you add the two previous terms to get the next:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... etc.

Anyway, divide each number by the previous one. 1/1 = 1. 2/1 = 2. 3/2 = 1.5. 5/3 = 1.666. If you continue to do this, the number gets closer and closer to the Golden Ratio. If plotted on a graph, you see slight fluctuations at the start before it coming up to a perfectly straight line at... yes, you guessed it. The Golden Ratio. This number is also called Phi (represented by the Greek letter) and the decimal part (0.61803...) is usually represented by phi in lower case. Sorry about my lecture, just a bit of extra knowledge for you there.

As tonight I had an amazingly long research session I also discovered that the human body has the same energy in it as that of thirty hydrogen bombs (one hell of a lot). I also discovered that an atomic bomb only uses 1% of the energy it's capable of. Imagine how much carnage it would cause if we found a way to harness the remaining 99%. I plan on finding a way, don't worry. Now you've had a lesson in ancient Maths and Chemistry, I bet you're wondering when I'll get back to the blog.

Sadly, that's all I can be bothered to write. Sorry if today bored you - I myself found it very interesting. Time for my fourth cup of tea of the night!

Goodnight, Blogger x

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